Wednesday, June 27, 2012

San Francisco Giants Jerseys jewelry set a career plus postage close to one hundred yuan

Sales regions, only in a few localities in kind sales, most places only able to mail order, mail order extremely troublesome for a lot of players, nfl feel more trouble.
But no method had to bite the bullet.
These things a market immediately the new Zhanmeng announcement.
Finally new Zhanmeng finally out of the first closed beta account the distribution of circulars since the launch of the legendary advertising.
To open up the market to take into account the spending power of the players, so the pricing of these products can not be high no one would accept, plus the cost of custom-made, originally the nfl expected to make a small fortune, which seemed to become a field vanish into thin air.
But the nfl apparently underestimated the domestic players for the acceptance of the legend.
Orders coming in like a flood, almost as if these things do not want money, jewelry set a career plus postage close to one hundred yuan, but the order of the people just keep on coming, the first launch of a million units is clearly less, followed by factory, desperately rush the front the new Zhanmeng of closing orders received soft.
Legend not the real launch of the nfl's first opportunity to appear,San Francisco Giants Jerseys, this had to put the blame on the idea of ​​the nfl development of peripheral products.
This opportunity is very simple, PepsiCo came new Zhanmeng a.
Pepsi's demand is simple, they need to New Zhanmeng of these peripheral products as their promotional prizes, and want to talk about the legendary portrait of the right.
nfl received the phone from Li Jun was very surprised, I did not expect PepsiCo actually came to the door, and this multinational business dealings rare opportunity!
nfl immediately decided to rush to Shanghai Anyway,Seattle Mariners Jerseys, this time to be a new Zhanmeng and large companies for the first time, must be treated carefully, if the processing can really say in the future business opportunities, to see how talk about.
Think of Wang Junjun nfl and a little embarrassed, Long Wang has been back to Shanghai to busy legendary Wang Junjun's time to visit a few, Wang Junjun like projections of CS source code into the magic-like, a day soon the night projections, nfl day had forced confiscation Wang Junjun computer to force her to rest if they went to Shanghai to study delayed a few days CS development, greatly wrong, if left unchecked, Wang Junjun engage, do not that have negative Wang Long entrusted own distressed incredible.
No way it seems that only to the Chi Lan, view live Wang Junjun.
the nfl immediately book a ticket first, then call Chi Lan.
Chi Lan, also very busy, although the company down to business does not have much, but the internal decoration, it touches a lot of trivial things, received the phone of the nfl, Chi Lan was very pleasantly surprised.
She had been looking forward to the nfl to call him, but nfl consecutive days to contact her, asked Wu to know the nfl busy recently, slightly set under her heart, know they can not help what nfl busy had to refuel the company side to engage in a little better, while he did not dare to call the nfl

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